FAQ for Former Interstar & Advantedge Borrowers
Challenger Mortgage Management Pty Ltd (‘CMM’) specialises in the administration and daily servicing activities of Australian and New Zealand residential home loans.
CMM will take over as the servicer for your home loan account from 19 February 2024.
- As a result of this change, repayments scheduled for the 15th and 16th of February 2024 will be brought forward and processed by Advantedge Financial Services PTY LTD on the 14th of February 2024.
- If the change of repayment date to 14 February 2024 presents an issue for you, please contact Advantedge to schedule your repayment on another date.
- Repayments from 19 February 2024 will be processed by CMM.
- The CMM team will be available to assist you via phone from Monday, 15 January 2024.
- You can contact us on 1800 789 088 (Australia) | 0800 384 475 (New Zealand) | Email cmmenquiries@challenger.com.au
- Due to the change outlined above you will need to register internet banking with CMM by calling 1800 789 088 (Australia) or 0800 384 475 (New Zealand). This includes existing StarNet users.
- From 16 February 2024, access to StarNet will not be available.
For borrowers who currently pay by Direct Debit, there is no action required on your part. Your mortgage repayments will continue to be deducted as normal without any changes
For borrowers who currently pay via BPAY, the biller code and customer reference number will remain the same. You can continue using these details to make loan repayments
- For borrowers who normally pay by direct credit, the BSB and account number you make payments to are changing. If you currently make repayments via this method, your updated details were included the correspondence sent to you on 15 January 2024. Please ensure you update these details for all repayments from 19 February 2024 onwards.
- If you do not make scheduled repayments via this method but wish to make additional payments via this method, you can contact CMM to obtain your new BSB and account number
- Please do not hesitate to contact us on Phone: 1800 789 088 (Australia) | 0800 384 475 (New Zealand) | Email cmmenquiries@challenger.com.au if you have any questions regarding your new payment details
There are no changes to the existing fees and charges schedule.
- As a result of the change outlined above, CMM is making changes to the Terms and Conditions that apply to your home loan. These changes will be effective from 19 February 2024.
- We enclosed a change to Terms and Conditions in the letter sent on 15 January 2024. Please ensure you keep this with your loan documents
- The changes to Terms and Conditions, for your reference, are:
- Your terms and conditions refer to Melbourne, VIC business days., this will be changing to Sydney, NSW business days.
- Any reference to Advantedge has been changed to CMM, and any reference to contact details including phone number, address, website, email address has been updated to CMM’s details.
- Interest is currently charged on the last day of each month., CMM will change this to align with your repayment date.
- Some loans had a feature which allowed you to offset or skip your next payment if you made an additional payment. This will continue with CMM, however you must contact us and request this. This does not affect your available redraw in any way.
Your existing Mortgage Manager will not change.
GPO Box 3698
Sydney NSW 2001
1800 789 088 (Australia)
0800 384 475 (New Zealand)
+61 2 9173 5760 (Overseas)